Causes and symptoms of tendonitis in the hamstring
Hamstring injuries can be acute, occurring suddenly, or chronic, developing over time. This type of injury is most common in sports people, and especially in those whose sport requires repetitive movements of the hamstring tendon. People with a high foot vault are also at increased risk of damaging the patellar tendon. The main injuries to the patellar tendon are tendinitis, tears and submergence.
Tendinitis is inflammation of one or both tendons. Inflammation is caused by activities that require constant repetitive movement of this tendon, overload or trauma. The main symptoms of tendinitis are pain, swelling and heat in the affected area.
Tendon rupture is caused by repetitive movement of the tendon or trauma. It is characterised by sharp pain, swelling and weakness and instability of the ankle. Over time, these tears can lead to a change in the shape of the foot and an increase in the foot vault.
Degenerative tears are usually caused by excessive loads and develop over time as the tendon becomes like rubber and is continuously stretched, which eventually leads to the tendon fibres becoming damaged, worn out and torn. Having a high arch of the foot also contributes to the development of degenerative tendon ruptures. The main symptoms of degenerative tears are occasional pain in the outer part of the foot; general weakness and instability of the ankle; and an increased vault of the foot.
Subluxationis the displacement of one or both tendons from their normal position. In some cases, subluxation is due to a congenital muscle or bone deformity. In other cases, subluxation is caused by trauma, such as a sprained ankle ligament. Damage to the tissues stabilising the tendon can lead to permanent subluxation of the hamstring tendon. The main symptoms of hamstring tendon subluxation are persistent tingling or spontaneous pain at the outer ankle and instability of the ankle joint. Early treatment of subluxation is very important as persistent submergence can lead to partial or complete tendon rupture.
As tendon injuries of the hamstring tendon are often misdiagnosed, it is essential to seek medical advice in order not to aggravate the current situation. The doctor will assess ankle instability, swelling, pain and general weakness of the ankle. An accurate diagnosis is very important as a simple sprain can lead to serious injuries and damage later on.
Conservative treatment
The conservative treatment of a hamstring injury involves immobilisation, physiotherapy and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the doctor.
Surgical treatment
In some cases, surgery may be needed to repair the damaged tendon. After surgery, rehabilitation is essential to ensure healing and restoration of foot function.