Fear or lack of time often leads to self-medication and delays in seeking medical attention, but knee injuries are usually not cured by compresses or painkillers, which can only help relieve the symptoms for a while. Remember, the earlier you go to the doctor, the more effective and often shorter the treatment.
The most commonly diagnosed knee injuries are:
- knee contusion;
- Sprain or tear of the ligaments of the knee joint (these injuries usually occur when the knee joint exceeds its normal range of motion);
- meniscal tears (damage to the meniscus occurs when the joint is subjected to a sudden load or sudden movements, and the meniscus can also tear if the joint is hit hard from the side);
- bursitis (inflammation of the knee joint caused by trauma, loads or other causes).
If the ligaments have torn or been strained
In the case of both ligament tears and sprains, the main symptom will be severe pain. The severity of the pain indicates the severity of the injury. Although there are exceptions. For example, when the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint are torn, patients often do not complain of pain. But other symptoms, such as impaired fixation of movement, inability to extend or flex the leg, difficulty standing and difficulty performing movements, are also a sign of the disease. Often the knee swells.
If you have sprained or torn a ligament, first relax the leg and raise it as high as possible. During the first day after the injury, FROST is an effective aid. The latter will help relieve pain and reduce swelling. Wrap ice, an ice bladder, a bottle of frozen water, etc. with a towel, put it on the injured area and keep it there for about 20 minutes - on average 6 times a day. If the pain is relieved after removing the ice, give your knee a little kneading - very lightly, without straining, and only if you do not feel sharp pain. After the cold treatment, apply a therapeutic ointment to the injured knee and wrap it with an elastic bandage, or better still, with a special ELASTIC BINDING Avoid physical work and do not do sports. Even if you feel an improvement, it makes sense to see a doctor. You should see a specialist if the injury is serious, for example, if you have heard a twinge, the pain is not decreasing, the knee is swelling more and more, the temperature has risen, etc.
If the meniscus is torn
When the meniscus is torn, the patient usually complains of scratching, pinching, swelling and pain in the knee joint. If the inner meniscus is torn, the pain will be felt on the inner side of the knee, whereas if the outer meniscus is torn, the side of the knee will hurt. Often patients describe the discomfort as the joint locking in position and it is very painful when trying to stretch or bend the leg over the knee. After resting the joint, there may be a false sense of improvement, which will return with more active movement.
If the meniscus is torn and you need to relieve the condition, you should let the joint rest until you see a doctor, ice will help to reduce pain and swelling, and you should put your leg higher when lying down. It's great if you have an elastic sock - wear it.
Your doctor will prescribe non-steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs to relieve the pain. If the meniscus has been torn in the past, if the pain persists and if the limb functions are impaired, an arthroscopy may be recommended - a simple surgical intervention performed with a special device called an arthroscope.
If the pain is caused by bursitis
Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa, the joint's lubricating sac, which is characterised by swelling, pain and the knee may swell. Bursitis can often cause knee pain at night, during weather changes and after strenuous physical activity.
The treatment of bursitis depends on the cause of the inflammation. If the disease is caused by an infection, bursitis will be treated with antibiotics, and it is recommended that the fluid in the bursa be evaluated in the laboratory.
If the bursitis is not caused by an infection, but for example by overexertion, trauma, etc., then rest, painkillers, pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended. Wearing a special orthopaedic splint to help stabilise the joint is recommended. If these measures do not help, bursal fluid extraction may be recommended.