Naugarduko st. 98, Vilnius
I-V 8 - 19, VI 10 - 14

Irregular posture. What should patients know?
<p>Irregular posture is a problem that not only looks unaesthetic but also causes health problems.</p>

<strong>Movement is the physiological stimulant of growth, development and formation of organisms</strong> and the basis for the existence of living nature.</p>

Back exercises
<p><strong>Our backs are directly linked to our spinal health.</strong>The importance of the spine is probably needless to say - we all know this.</p>

<p><strong>Moksibustion - the art of heating moksa</strong> is one of the oldest healing methods in ancient China. Artemisia vulgaris is the plant from which moksa is made.</p>

Therapeutic massage
<p><strong>Massage is miraculously calming</strong> and relaxing, it works on the whole body, relieving stress, tension and helping to get rid of bad thoughts.</p>

What exercises should I do for a neck hernia?
<strong>Cervical herniation</strong> is the protrusion of the soft nucleus of the intervertebral disc of the cervical spine through the fibrous ring of the disc.

Kaip teipuoti čiurną?
Čiurnos teipavimas – puikus sprendimas tiek sportininkams, tiek visiems, siekiantiems apsisaugoti nuo traumų, mažinti čiurnos skausmą ir tinimą.