A disease that destroys the structure of the knee joint gradually affects your daily activities: it makes it difficult to be active , to walk for long periods of time, to climb stairs or just to stand. This interferes with the natural and comfortable daily routine and limits your ability to work.
Arthritis can be of many types, but the main types affecting the knee joint are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and post-traumatic arthritis.
-Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and is described as a degenerative joint disease that occurs in people aged 50 years and over, but in some cases can occur at a younger age. In osteoarthritis, the articular cartilage gradually degenerates until it is completely destroyed, the joint's protective mechanism deteriorates, and the space between the articular surfaces, which is naturally needed for smooth joint movement, is reduced. When the joint space is reduced, the bone begins to rub against the bone and causes severe pain in the joint. Osteoarthritis develops slowly, reminding you of itself with increasingly severe symptoms each time.
-Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that affects several joints at the same time. Because it is an autoimmune disease, the immune system itself starts to destroy its own tissues. As a result, the structure of the cartilage and ligaments is damaged and the bones become softer. This form of arthritis is characterised by "symmetry", i.e. it usually affects the same joints on both sides. In rheumatoid arthritis, the synovial membrane that surrounds the articular surfaces begins to decompose, causing joint pain and stiffness.
-Post-traumatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that occurs after trauma to the knee joint. For example, a broken bone has damaged the articular surface and created the perfect conditions for the development of post-traumatic arthritis, the first symptoms of which appear about a year after the injury. Other types of trauma, such as a meniscus tear or ligament damage, can lead to joint instability and more severe wear and tear. This can eventually lead to symptoms of post-traumatic arthritis.
How do I know it's arthritis?
An arthritic knee joint is painful and inflamed. Usually the pain increases gradually, but in some cases severe joint pain can occur immediately. The arthritic knee joint is also characterised by swelling and stiffness, and it becomes difficult to extend the leg over the knee joint. Pain and stiffness are more pronounced in the morning or after prolonged sitting. Degeneration of the articular cartilage and other components of the joint can interfere with smooth movements in the joint, and the knee can often simply 'lock' during movement. Typically, people with arthritis experience an increase in pain during rainy periods or when the weather changes.
What does the doctor assess?
The physical examination looks for swelling, redness, pain, heat, passive and active range of motion, joint instability, gait, crepitus (crunching) during movement, and pain when the weight of the body is on the affected joint. Any possible damage to the muscles, tendons and other soft tissues around the knee joint, as well as damage to other joints, is also assessed.
There is no complete cure for arthritis of the knee, but there are a number of treatments that can help to relieve the symptoms of arthritis and allow you to return to your normal daily activities as much as possible.
To reduce pain and the progression of joint degeneration, it is recommended to switch from vigorous activities such as running, football, tennis, etc., to more joint-friendly activities such as swimming or cycling.
Physiotherapy exercises increase the range of movement and flexibility of the knee joint, reducing pain, swelling and stiffness.
To reduce the loads on the joint, it is recommended to use shoes with adequate cushioning and orthopaedic insoles Orthopaedic insoles will not only reduce the loads on the knees during movement, but will also maintain the correct axis and biomechanics of the whole leg. Knee stability can also be maintained with KNEE INSULTS.
In cases where the knee joint is completely worn out and no conservative treatment is available, knee replacement surgery is carried out , in which the damaged components of the joint are removed and replaced by special metal and polyethylene implants.