Massage is miraculously calming and relaxing, it works on the whole body, relieving stress, tension and helping to get rid of bad thoughts.
Therapeutic massage is a type of massage that aims to treat various illnesses and to restore and normalise damaged body functions. Massage is a special, dosed set of mechanical and reflexive actions. Therapeutic massage restores the functioning of the disturbed part of the body, i.e. eliminates pain and muscle fatigue, tension, improves blood circulation and metabolism, relieves spasms, restores joint mobility. Even a short-term massage restores the body, removes lactic acid from the muscles, and improves the body's overall tone and tissue elasticity.
Therapeutic massage is used in cases of muscle and joint stiffness, flat feet, diseases of the spine and joints, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive diseases, diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system and the musculoskeletal apparatus, headaches, as well as in cases of hypersensitivity, sleep disturbances, stress, urological and gynaecological diseases, after surgery, trauma, in sports medicine and other conditions. It is recommended as a preventive measure for people working in sedentary jobs.
All functions of the human body are controlled and regulated by the nervous system. It has been shown that massage can either increase or decrease the irritability of the nervous system, depending on the massage techniques used and the state of the nervous system. The effects of massage are therefore significant for the skin as well as for the muscles, ligaments and tendons. The effects of massage on the blood and lymphatic systems, metabolism and internal organs have been established.
Point massage is one of the methods of reflexotherapy, where biologically active points are applied with the fingers. Point massage is an integral part of modern complex rehabilitative treatment of diseases of the nervous system and internal organs. It reduces the need for drugs, especially painkillers, myorelaxants and anti-allergics.
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