Back exercises
Back exercises
<p><strong>Our backs are directly linked to our spinal health.</strong>The importance of the spine is probably needless to say - we all know this.</p>
<p><strong>Moksibustion - the art of heating moksa</strong> is one of the oldest healing methods in ancient China. Artemisia vulgaris is the plant from which moksa is made.</p>
Therapeutic massage
Therapeutic massage
<p><strong>Massage is miraculously calming</strong> and relaxing, it works on the whole body, relieving stress, tension and helping to get rid of bad thoughts.</p>
After hip surgery
After hip surgery
<p><strong>A variety of joint disorders are caused by overexertion, trauma, other diseases, overweight and age.</p>
Rehabilitation after bone fractures
Rehabilitation after bone fractures
Our bones have the ability to regenerate - there is a constant process of resorption, i.e. decay, of old bone and formation of new bone. As a result, healthy bone breaks very rarely.
Treatment of joints
Treatment of joints
A joint is a place where at least two bones come together, protected from friction by cartilage. They are connected to each other by muscle tendons, and the muscles help the joints to bend and stretch
Rehabilitation after ankle sprain
Rehabilitation after ankle sprain
<strong>Hip sprain</strong> is one of the most common leg injuries, which can occur during sports, running, running with the leg out of joint, and other activities.
What exercises should I do for a neck hernia?
What exercises should I do for a neck hernia?
<strong>Cervical herniation</strong> is the protrusion of the soft nucleus of the intervertebral disc of the cervical spine through the fibrous ring of the disc.
Kaip teipuoti čiurną?
Kaip teipuoti čiurną?
Čiurnos teipavimas – puikus sprendimas tiek sportininkams, tiek visiems, siekiantiems apsisaugoti nuo traumų, mažinti čiurnos skausmą ir tinimą.
Propriorecepcija – kas tai?
Propriorecepcija – kas tai?
Visi jutimai priklauso nuo receptorių stimuliavimo ir nervinio impulso sklidimo į centrinę nervų sistemą juntamaisiais laidais. Juntamieji receptoriai yra skirstomi į dvi pagrindnes
Ramentai - kaip juos pasirinkti?
Ramentai - kaip juos pasirinkti?
Ramentai tai – judėjimą lengvinančios pagalbinės priemonės, kurių paskirtis suteikti papildomą atramos tašką bei sumažinti kojoms ir stuburui tenkančias apkrovas po dubens, stuburo ir kojų traumų [...]