Naugarduko st. 98, Vilnius
I-V 8 - 19, VI 10 - 14

Venous surgery
<p><strong>Disturbed blood flow in the veins of the legs </strong> is a very common condition in women, and several times less common in men.</p>

Meniscal surgery
Meniscus surgery, also known as arthroscopy, is performed in certain cases of meniscus tears, one of the most common injuries to the knee joint. Depending on the severity of the injury, [...]

Knee joint surgery
<strong>When we have knee pain</strong>, we often ignore it - we wait for it to go away, we "write it off" to fatigue, etc. But if the pain recurs or worsens, you shouldn't throw in the towel.

Knee joint implants
<strong>Wear and tear of the joints is sometimes inevitable.</strong> Even though we know what harms the joints and how to protect them, lifestyle habits are still damaging them.

Ankle surgery
If you've heard from your doctor that you need ankle surgery, you're probably scared first. But you shouldn't worry, ankle surgeries are usually successful.

Kojų venų operacija chirurginiu būdu
Kada reikalingas chirurginis gydymas?Pajutus pirmuosius išsiplėtusių kojų venų simptomus tikslinga kreiptis į savo gydytoją, kuris atliks reikiamus tyrimus,duos siuntimą pas kraujagyslių speciali [...]