Thigh muscle pain
Thigh muscle pain
Thigh muscle pain: causes and treatment. Anyone who has experienced thigh pain at least once knows that it's no fun.
Lower leg muscle pain
Lower leg muscle pain
<p><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Sudden onset of pain in the calf</strong></span> makes us think it is the result of a muscle strain.<p
Osteochondrosis of the spine
Osteochondrosis of the spine
<p><strong>Back pain</strong> often, it occurs after strenuous physical activity, such as lifting heavy objects, gardening, gardening, bending over for long periods of time, etc.</p>
Back pain radiating to the leg
Back pain radiating to the leg
<p><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong>The top of the list of the most common back pains</strong></span> is degenerative spinal disease.</span></p>
Spine pain
Spine pain
<strong>Back pain</strong>, often described as low back pain, is very unpleasant, limiting even the most normal daily activities, let alone entertainment, sports, etc. </p>
Burning pain in the upper back
Burning pain in the upper back
<p>Any pain causes more or less discomfort. But most of us probably know how unpleasant and bothersome back pain can be, limiting many activities and affecting quality of life.</p>
Knee joint pain
Knee joint pain
<strong>The joints of a person's joints are subjected to very heavy loads during their lifetime</strong>, and even more so in people who do hard physical work and intensive sports.</p>
Knees hurt when squatting
Knees hurt when squatting
<strong>Pain can vary</strong> Knee pain may be constant in some cases, in others it may only occur when you move around, and in still others it may only occur when you do a certain action.</p>
Leg pain during flexion
Leg pain during flexion
<p><strong>The feet play a daily role</strong> in many of the activities we do: walking, cycling, driving, household chores, travelling, etc.</p>